CAREis cares about your finances. Our comprehensive care management system is optimised to help you save money whilst ensuring you can provide the best quality care to the people who use your service.
Here are 12 ways CAREis benefits you financially while helping you stay connected and responsive, free up time for your care staff, meet regulatory demands, support your managerial team, and provide analytical insights (figures given below are for a 30-bed service):
1. CAREis saves your paper, stationery and printing costs to the tune of around £800 a year.
2. We free up 2 hours of your staff time every day, which not only amounts to a saving of over £ 6,000 a year, but also more importantly the staff can then use that freed up time to deliver better care to the people who use the service, which in turn results in indirect financial and other rewards.
3. The time saved by your manager with our solution means savings of around £1,500 a year, and s/he can utilise that time for more efficient audit, supervision, training and action planning.
4. The CAREis digital archival system saves you physical space, that you can put to other uses, and also expand your capacity to earn more income.
5. Your savings increase with the use of more CAREis modules because then you need not spend money separately for training, auditing and policies. We combine these different elements under one digital roof.
6. By reducing the auditing and overview time, we ensure managers have much more time to interact with staff and people within the service. This leads to more innovation and improvement in the services. This has positive indirect effects on your balance sheet.
7. CAREis gives you required specifications for your devices, so that you can seek the most cost effective solution.
8. Regulatory improvements gained from using CAREis can help increase occupancy and room rates, resulting in more income.
9. CAREis improves your rating by making it quick, easy and straightforward for any inspector or auditor to access the information for care and support, auditing, health and safety, training, supervisions etc.
10. The supervision and appraisal elements of CAREis save you time, as everything is done within the software including recording of the meeting, reminding when supervision is due and updating the matrix. That in turn could lead to a better rating since you will be able to show inspectors and auditors that staff have more time with the people who use your service.
11. Agency use can reduce with CAREis. Staff have more time and so unexpected absences do not always need to be covered as teams can manage the increase in workload. This results in cost savings.
12. The abilty to plan, record, report and coordinate care on the go results in the care staff spending much more time with the people who use the service. This can inmprove the ratings received, which can then indirectly boost future income.
As you can see, with the CAREis software management system you can start saving from day one, recovering associated costs and thr addition of ongoing savings.